Altar Servers
St. Peter Church is proud to continue the time-honored tradition of having boys serve at the Mass. Through service at the Mass, these boys grow in a knowledge of their faith, develop friendships with fellow boys, and deepen their vocational discernment through regular contact with the Mass and priests.
Boys may serve as altar boys when they have completed their training, usually offered twice or three times a year, and if they are in the fifth grade or its equivalent or are older. The boys are trained by the priests and experienced servers to be thurifers, boat bearers, crucifers, candle bearers, book bearers, torch bearers, and even emcees for special liturgies.
Altar boys are encouraged to continue to serve beyond grade school and into the high school years. Boys who receive the esteemed Serra Altar Server Award in the spring of every year or who enter the ninth grade receive the distinct honor of wearing a cassock and surplice; younger boys wear an alb and cincture.
In addition to serving and potentially receiving awards, the altar boys are rewarded for their service with an annual outing. The Epiphany party is held near January 6th and includes bowling and pizza at the Immaculate Conception Bowlatorium.
Contact name: Rev. John P. Broheimer
Contact telephone: 402-341-4560
Altar Servers’ Epiphany Party: January 5, 2025 from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
All currently serving altar boys are invited to a bowling party on Sunday, January 5, 2025 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Immaculate Conception Bowlatorium at 24th & Bancroft. Pizza will be provided. All are invited to bring chips, cookies, fruit, or a snack to share. The required parental consent forms are due Sunday, December 29, 2024.
Parent Consent and Liability Waiver/Formulario de consentimiento de los padres