Choirs - Saint Peter Schola Cantorum
Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when it is celebrated in song (Musicam Sacram, 1967). In order to sing and pray the Mass and keep its noble form, music must be chosen in accord with scripture and all Vatican approved liturgical music documents. Our objective is to remain obedient to the Church and to keep the Christocentricity of the Mass intact.
Contact name: Mr. Christopher Candela, O.P.
Contact telephone: 402-341-4560, ext. 110
Contact email:
"Address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father" (Ephesians 5:19-20).
Adult Choir in English
The adult choir takes part in a rigorous musical schedule learning Gregorian chant, Marier psalmody, and polyphony on a weekly basis. The sacrifice the members put forth to learn such music is a testament to their faith in God. The praising of God at Mass through sacred song must always be intrinsically beautiful. God deserves nothing less.
Rehearsal location: Music room (#102 in the school building)
Rehearsal time and day: Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Rehearsals begin September 19, 2023.
Pope Benedict XVI Choir - Teen Treble Choir in English
The principal group of the Schola Cantorum, the Pope Benedict XVI Teen Treble Choir,serves as the main liturgical choir for St. Peter Church. The members have a respectable working repertoire including Gregorian chant, polyphony, and sacred anthems. Many of the students are talented musicians, who also share their talents during the offering of the Mass by cantoring and accompanying on organ. Their most recent recording With Heart and Voice is available for purchase from the parish office.
Rehearsal location: Music room (#102 in the school building)
Rehearsal time and day: Tuesdays 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm. Rehearsals begin September 19, 2023.
Children's Choirs in English
The instruction method used for all the children's choirs is the Ward Method. Since each choir only meets once a week, the Ward Method has been tailored to meet the musical needs of the students. Formation in Gregorian chant is among the most important aims of the program. Giving youth the tools necessary to sing the innate music of the Latin rite, Gregorian chant, will immerse them in the heart of the liturgy and assist them in passing down the treasury of sacred music to future generations. There are several goals for this program
Singing Gregorian chant from neume notation;
The mastery of the major scale - focusing on intervals and intonation;
Learning the elements of rhythm juxtaposing the Ward Method with the Takadimi rhythm-pedagogy system;
Becoming proficient in reading western music notation.
Voces Angelorum: Children beginning their musical education.
Rehearsal location: Music room (#102 in the school building)
Rehearsal time and day: Tuesdays 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Rehearsals begin September 19, 2023.
St. Pius X Choristers: Children with prior musical instruction.
Rehearsal location: Music room (#102 in the school building)
Rehearsal time and day: Tuesdays 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm. Rehearsals begin September 19, 2023.