Please help us to continue our mission of love during these difficult times by donating to the St. Peter Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ need our help. SEE OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER BELOW.
Make an Elderly Person’s Christmas Brighter
The faithful can help to banish their holiday blues, help lift their spirits, and bring them into the joy of Christmas.
<Click National Catholic Register Below>
Dear Neighbors,
SVdP Jan. 2025 Schedule Sign Up Genius: Please sign up right away. We need to fill a team for this Saturday! We just ask for one Saturday of your choice a month from 1-3 pm.
A Story from the Heart
It is with a heavy heart that we bring you news of Mary Anyak's passing. She was the African American woman that use to sit at the front right pew as you face the altar. She had had a lot of health issues and struggles this past year. She lived at Jackson Tower. She called us her Catholic family. She would always say tell momma and Kevin Hi! Tell pastor I have been sick. She was very proud of her church. Her dad was Catholic and named her Mary. She was a track star in high school in Sudan. Her family wants to bring her body back to Sudan. Please pray the repose of the soul of Mary Anyak. When you volunteer once a month you get to know the neighbors in the St. Peter neighborhood on a first name basis.
SVdP Monthly Meeting:The St. Peter SVdP will have its monthly meeting Sunday January 12th after 9:30 am Mass in the Parish Hall. Coffee and rolls will be provided. Please plan on attending. Please let us know if you can join Kevin and I. or 402-669-8014.
Pantry Needs: Mac and Cheese, hats and gloves. Items may be dropped off in the brown bins at the entrances of the church and in O'Brien Hall.
Items can be left in the brown bins by the entrances of the church. Thank you for your generosity.
Community Meal: Our first of 4 Community Meals will be Saturday January 18th. Volunteers are needed to help serve from 11:00 - 1:00 pm at our Parish Hall. We also need cake or cupcakes and 9X13 disposable pan of cheesy potatoes. Food can be dropped off between 9:00 am - 11:00 am. If you can help, please sign up with the Sign-Up Genius below or contact Angela Wilder
Angel Tree Delivery: Thank you to everyone that helped deliver gifts to our adopted families. Thank you to all the volunteers that loaded up cars with gifts, delivered the gifts and sang Christmas Carols for park East Apartment residents. The people that live there really look forward to us coming. These gifts are the only gifts some of these residents received this year.