Annual Corpus Christi Procession: June 2, 2024
The procession starts at 2:30 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church (2110 S.32nd St.) and ends 1.4 miles later at St. Peter Catholic Church (27th and Leavenworth). Transportation will be available between both churches before and after the procession. In the event of rain, there will be a Holy Hour at St. Peter from 4-5 pm.
Please read below for a more detailed description of this beautiful, yearly glorification of our Lord.
Procesión anual de Corpus Christi
La procesión comienza a las 2:30 pm en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes (2110 S.32nd St.) y termina 1.4 millas más tarde en la Iglesia Católica de San Pedro (27th y Leavenworth). Habrá transporte disponible entre ambas iglesias antes y después de la procesión. En caso de lluvia, habrá una Hora Santa en San Pedro de 4 a 5 pm.

The Parish of St. Peter Catholic Church, as part of this parish’s mission to put devotion to Christ above all has sponsored Omaha’s largest Corpus Christi Procession of the modern era every year (barring converting to a Holy Hour due to inclement weather) since 2006.
With joyous hearts, the parishioners along with many other faith-filled Catholics from around Greater Omaha, the state of Nebraska and nearby Iowa walk in accompaniment of the Most Blessed Sacrament under guarded canopy for 1.4 miles from Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (2110 W. 32nd Ave.) to St. Peter Church (2706 Leavenworth St.).
Along the way, the procession stops at two Benediction sites in Hanscom Park, passes through the Historic Park Place neighborhood, and culminates at St. Peter Church where Final Benediction is given.
In its sixteen years, this Corpus Christi Procession has grown like the seeds that fell upon good soil and inspired other area parishes to host their own processions. Still, every year, despite these other opportunities to celebrate in the Presence of our Lord and glorify Him publicly, participation at this event has exceeded expectations with hundreds upon hundreds of people taking part.
As always, we invite all Catholics to attend and share in this devotion with us.
A special section at the front of the procession is reserved for children who received their First Holy Communion this year and the previous year. These children are asked to wear their white First Communion clothes and to bring a small basket of flower petals to sprinkle on the street ahead of the Blessed Sacrament.
An honor guard of the Knights of Columbus will escort the procession and act as marshals.
Ollie the Trolley will be on hand during the event to transport those unable to process.
Spirit Catholic Radio 102.7 FM will broadcast the music and prayers that accompany the procession, so please bring a portable radio to broadcast the event. Song booklets will be available.
Shuttles will bring participants from St. Peter Church to Our Lady of Lourdes Church before the event and will return participants to Our Lady of Lourdes during the hour following the event (see below).
A post-procession ice cream reception will be held outside and in the St. Peter Parish Hall.
Eucharistic banners and organizational standards from all Catholic parishes, schools, organizations, and apostolates are welcomed and encouraged.
Participants may park their vehicles at either St. Peter Church or Our Lady of Lourdes Church before the procession. Shuttles will be available starting at 1:45 pm, on the east side of St. Peter Church, to transport participants to Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Following the procession, shuttles will be available for one hour on the east side of St. Peter Church to transport participants back to Our Lady of Lourdes Church.
Inclement Weather
Weather cancellations will be posted on this website and broadcast on Spirit KVSS 102.7 FM by noon on the day of the event. In such an event, St. Peter Church will host a special Eucharistic Holy Hour beginning at 4 pm and will host an ice cream social afterwards in the St. Peter Parish Hall.
For More Information
If you have questions about the procession or would like to find out how your parish or group can get involved, please contact us.
The Corpus Christi Procession: a Catholic Tradition
Processing through the community with the Blessed Sacrament on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) is a venerable Church tradition. The procession is an outward demonstration of Catholic faith and belief in the Real Presence of the Risen Christ, under the appearance of the Consecrated Host.
Below: Archbishop George J. Lucas holds the
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi was introduced in the late 13th century to
honor Our Lord's institution of the Most Holy Eucharist. It is believed Corpus Christi Processions date back to the 14th century. They are still held on the Feast of Corpus Christi throughout the world, often with
the regal splendor and rich traditions
of years past.
The procession is made up of clergy, Catholic groups and organizations, and lay people and their families. Children in First Communion dress traditionally strew flower petals in front of the transported Eucharist. The Most Holy Eucharist is held in a processional monstrance carried by a priest or bishop. The monstrance itself is protected by a decorated canopy.
In his Apostolic Letter Mane nobiscum Domine, Saint John Paul II urged all Catholics to participate in Corpus Christi Processions as a public profession of their faith in the real presence of Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament.