Next Meeting:
Saturday, July 10th | 9 am
July 10th Location: Casa de Nevius in Scribner | Please contact Matt via email ( for his address information.
August 7th Location: Casa de Turco | Please contact Sally Turco via email ( for her address information.
Welcome to the St. Peter Great Books Group.
The purpose of the group is to provide a framework to read and discuss inspiring and illuminating works that will help us grow closer to our glorious Lord and our Blessed Mother, deepen our faith, enhance our understanding of the earthly reality around us and promote expanded wisdom regarding our Father’s Will.
The meetings for the Great Books Group are hosted in rotation by members of the group usually on the first Saturday of each month* from 9 am to 11 am unless otherwise noted. There will be a two-hour discussion session of the readings from the prior month.
Anyone interested in reading the Great Books is welcome. Further, we recognize that, from time to time, enthusiasts will not be able to come, perhaps for several sessions, for reasons beyond their strict control. Not to worry. All are welcome to return whenever they can. The Great Books are the study of a lifetime; no set commitment is required. Come back when you can.
The reading speed will depend on the type of text that we are reading. Philosophical texts will take longer than reading literature, for example.
The date and time of the next meeting will always be posted at the top of the page, make sure to check back if you are interested in attending.
Please direct inquiries about the Group to Matthew Nevius at:
We will also post changes to the schedule due to special circumstances (such as Holy Week or an extension for additional reading time, for example) on this site.
*Date subject to change depending on the group’s desire for additional time to read a particular text.